Using the SDK functions

After setting up the storefront SDK, you can now access the awesome features of the SDK.

There are currently two parts of the SDK: utils functions, and the events listeners.

The below section focuses on the general details when using utils functions. For events, please visit here.

(For the list of available utils functions & events, please refer to this guide.)

Accessing Utils Functions

Below is the sample function for ref.

sdk = window.shopline.appExtension.init({ appId: 'your app id'});

// Utils
utils = sdk.utils;

// Example
const currentPage = await utils.getCurrentPageIdentifier();

// Expected output: String
// product_detail


Initialising the SDK first to get access utils functions

Utils functions are part of the initialised SDK object! Can only access the utils functions after initialising the SDK

All functions in utils are async functions

Below is the sample function for ref.

sdk = window.shopline.appExtension.init({ appId: 'your app id'});

// Utils
utils = sdk.utils;

await utils.getCurrentPageIdentifier();
await utils.getCurrentThemeKey();
await utils.getLoadedLanguage();

Due to the async nature, always use 'await' when calling utils functions!