Integration Guide for Merchant Customer Authentication


Get current logged-in customer on storefront from external domain through OAuth2.0 mechanism.


Create Developer Center App

  • App Scope:
    • Merchant > Show
    • Storefront Oauth Applications > Show, Create, Delete
  • Submit for approval
  • Webhook: Register for Application > Install, Application > Uninstall , Access Token > Create and Access Token > Revoke webhooks.

When merchant installs your app, the follow setup should be done.

When Merchant Install / Uninstall App

Step1: Obtain Open API Access Token when Merchant Install App

Please refer to this guide to obtain access tokens.

Step2: Setup Up Storefront OAuth Application when Merchant Install App

When receiving application/install or access_token/create webhook, if the merchant has not yet create a storefront oauth application for your app, your app should call open api to create one. Then, store the information in a database for later use.

Endpoint: POST

Request HTTP Headers:

AuthorizationBearer "{{app_token}}"

Request Payload:

namea name of the storefront oauth application for reference.
redirect_urithe redirect_uri for performing storefront oauth.
must use https.
"\n" separated for multiple redirect_uri.

Sample Request

    "name": "My App",
    "redirect_uri": "https://localhost:3000/oauth/callback\n",
    "is_redirect_to_simplified_login": false

Sample Response

    "id": "64216f96b5fe7500018ac2a6",
    "app_id": "RLTdkWrfX51RaJ_zLUWIbektFiRyDn08yAH-oS0CIeM",
    "app_secret": "JJ8gsA0ISbqEsl1mTHF8Nt29MQPJRlYLMpYHcTDFbgk",
    "name": "My App",
    "redirect_uri": "https://localhost:3000/oauth/callback\n"

Clean up when Merchant Uninstall App

Endpoint: DELETE{{id}}

Request HTTP Headers:

AuthorizationBearer "{{app_token}}"

Now, you have completed the setup for a merchant. The following are the steps your app should handle when your app need to authenticate for a customer.

Perform OAuth for Customer

Step1: Get merchant's storefront URL (brand_home_url)

Given a merchant_id, you are able to lookup merchant's storefront URL (brand_home_url).

Endpoint: GET{{merchant_id}}

Request HTTP Headers:

AuthorizationBearer "{{app_token}}"

Sample Response

    "id": "5f0e8941c68746000897e1f7",
    "brand_home_url": ""


Use database / cache to reduce requests to Open API

As the brand_home_url does not change frequently, it is suggested to store in database or cache with an expiry date.

Step2: Redirect User to authorize url (in browser):

URL: https://{{merchant-online-store-url}}/oauth/authorize

query paramremarks
client_idthe "app_id" in storefront oauth application
redirect_urione of the redirect_uri in storefront oauth application
statea random string



Step 3: Return to redirect_uri and Perform Token Exchange (in server)

After user has signed in, the browser will be redirected to the redirect_uri with query string code and state . e.g. {{redirect_uri}}?code=xxx&state=yyy.

Your server should

  • check if the state matches the current session.
  • call the below endpoint with the code to obtain an access token.

Endpoint: POST https://{{merchant-online-store-url}}/oauth/token


codecode from the query string in oauth callback
client_idthe "app_id" in storefront oauth application
client_secretthe "app_secret" in storefront oauth application
redirect_urithe redirect_uri used in current oauth request

Sample Request:

    "client_id": "RLTdkWrfX51RaJ_zLUWIbektFiRyDn08yAH-oS0CIeM",
    "client_secret": "JJ8gsA0ISbqEsl1mTHF8Nt29MQPJRlYLMpYHcTDFbgk",
    "redirect_uri": "https://localhost:3000/oauth/callback",
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
    "code": "2gT1eMi3fiLtk5oMbwt3ghzuOKsIJWRQSNy8WRfWqrU"

Sample Response:

    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI5MDkzYTk3MDg1NDIwNjkzY2ZkMTI1YWMyNzA3NDYyMCIsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcl9pZCI6IjYzYzNiZjFkODBiYWQzMTM3NmIwNmQ0ZCJ9LCJpc3MiOiI2NDIxNmY5NmI1ZmU3NTAwMDE4YWMyYTYiLCJhdWQiOltdLCJzdWIiOiI2M2MzYmYxZDgwYmFkMzEzNzZiMDZkNGQifQ.rOY3Y2KrzRUWacR6gtotHp4iabzNW81lohieJiBYazY",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 15778476,
    "refresh_token": "UPYxqAPOaSBwgQ3du9XW9nmetswm5Ka8t6gUawTEGas",
    "scope": "shop",
    "created_at": 1679995078,
    "merchant": {
        "_id": "5f0e8941c68746000897e1f7",
        "email": "",
        "handle": "terence897",
        "name": "Terence Shop"
    "user": {
        "_id": "63c3bf1d80bad31376b06d4d",
        "email": "",
        "locale_code": "en",
        "name": "test user"

Step 4: Get Detail User Info

After obtaining an access token, you should call below endpoint to request for the user info.

Endpoint: Get https://{{merchant-online-store-url}}/oauth/token/info

Request HTTP Headers:

AuthorizationBearer "{{access_token_from_storefront_oauth}}"

Sample Response:

    "resource_owner_id": "63c3bf1d80bad31376b06d4d",
    "scope": [
    "expires_in": 15778436,
    "application": {
        "uid": "RLTdkWrfX51RaJ_zLUWIbektFiRyDn08yAH-oS0CIeM"
    "created_at": 1679995078,
    "user": {
        "_id": "63c3bf1d80bad31376b06d4d",
        "country_calling_code": null,
        "email": "",
        "locale_code": "en",
        "mobile_phone": null,
        "name": "test user"
    "merchant": {
        "_id": "5f0e8941c68746000897e1f7",
        "email": "",
        "handle": "terence",
        "name": "Terence Shop"


A customer may access multiple merchants in the same browser in different tabs. If you app only has a cookie session per browser, make sure data from different merchants don't collide with each other.

e.g. express.js, you may store your req.session in this way:

req.session = {
  subSessions: [
    // a sucessful logged in sub-session
      merchantId: '5f0e8941c68746000897e1f7',
      userId: '63c3bf1d80bad31376b06d4d',
    // a sub-session performing oauth
      oauthInfo: {
        requestedMerchantId: '5f0e8941c68746000897e1f9',
        requestedUserId: '63c3bf1d80bad31376b06d4e',
        state: 'xyz',
        returnTo: 'https://..."

Include requested_merchant_id and requested_user_id query params for each request from the browser. So that you know which sub-session to use.


// requireAuth middleware
const requireAuth = async (req, res, next) => {
  const requestedMerchantId = req.query.requested_merchant_id;
  const requestedUserId = req.query.requested_user_id;

  if (!requestedMerchantId || !requestedUserId) {
    return res.send(422).send("missing requested merchant id or user id");

  if (req.session.sessions === undefined) {
    req.session.sessions = [];

  let currentSession = req.session.subSessions.find((session) => {
    return (
      session.merchantId == requestedMerchantId &&
      session.userId == requestedUserId

// oauth callback handler
const callback = async (req, res) => {
  const code = req.query.code;
  const state = req.query.state;

  let currentSession = (req.session.subSessions || []).find((session) => {
    return session.oauth.state == state;

  if (!currentSession) {
    return res.send(400).send("bad request");
