Common questions

We collect common questions that we encounter here, you might find it useful.

As Develoeprs

Q: What should I set in Callback URL in API Keys Page?
A: This callback url is the redirect URL in OAuth 2.0 flow. After a user authorizes an application, our authorization server will redirect the user back to your app with an authorization code. Because this code is sensitive, So we need to whitelist it. When a user is redirected back to your app with the code, your backend should use it to complete the rest in the OAuth 2.0 flow. If your are not familiar with OAuth 2.0, please revisit the related concepts.

Q: Why I cannot see Webhook page?
A: Webhook page only appears when your app is approved, since webhook is bind to your App's scope, so it is logical that only when your app gets approved, the webhook page appears.

Q: Do I need to verify Webhook Signature?
A: We recommend you to verify webhook signature since your app will be more secured if you check the events are sent by us and meant by us. Yet, if you want to skip this verification, it is all up to your choice. The payload of the events should not be any different.

Q: Where can I check what events are sent to my app?
A: We have a Webhook log page for this purpose. However, we only provide the latest 20 webhook log for you to check. We plan to enhance the functions of it so as to make your development and debugging easier.

Q: Will the refresh token got expired?
A: No.

Q: Can redirect uri have query params ?
A: No. It is due to security problem with the Oauth2.0 standard

Q: If we set more than 1 callback URL in API Key page, which url will be used?
A: The URL u put in the url that redirects to us. The field Callback URLs in API Key page refers to whitelisted OAuth redirect uri of your website.

As PMs / App Owners

Q: What happened if I uninstall an app
A: The app does not have any access right to any of your data in shopping anymore.

Q: When I uninstall the app, will it be unsubscripted or unpaid
When you uninstall, there is nothing done with your subscription status and paid status.

Q: Why I cannot see Open App Button in My App page?
A: Please make sure you have turned on show action button in App's Advanced Settings page. Reference

As Business Specialists