App Extension Settings

Below are the settings for Storefront App Extension. We will go through each setting one by one.

Block name

This is just a name of this app extension for your reference. It will not be displayed in the storefront.

Code content

Enter the code to be rendered on SHOPLINE merchants' storefronts. Here, we currently support HTML (you can also use <script> or <css> to insert JS / CSS.

Supported Themes & Pages

Here, you can choose which themes, pages or positions you want your scripts to be rendered.

Trigger Configurations

In this section, you have to choose the Insert Positions and the Pages for your app extension to be rendered.

Click on Edit, and a Modal will pop up.

Insert positions

You scripts will be inserted either

  1. at the end of <head>...</head> (tick Header for this case) , or
  2. right before the start of <footer> ... </footer> (ticket Footer for this case)


Right now storefront app extension applies to the following pages. If you find any desired pages that are not yet supported in storefront app extension, please kindly contact us and provide feedback.

Home Pagehome/indexHome page that the merchant has set
Product listing pageproducts/indexThe page that lists all product
Product details pageproducts/showThe page that shows the detail of a product
Cart pagecart/indexThe page that shows cart
Checkout pagecheckout/indexThe page where shopper checkout
Order success pageorders/confirmOrder success page after checkout
Order detail pageorders/showThe page that shows order details
About pagepages/about
Terms pagepages/terms
Policy pagepages/policy
Delivery policy pagepages/delivery_policy
Advanced pagepages/showThe page that set and build by page builder
User profile pageprofile: users/edit
Store credits pagecredits: users/user_credits
Member points pagemember_points: users/member_points
Messages pagemessages: messages/index
User orders pageorders: orders/index
Wishlist pagewishlist: wish_list_items/index
Promotion pagepromotions/show
Redeem gift pagepromotions/redeem_gift

You can select which page you want your scripts to be rendered by ticking the box in the page.


App Approval

We will review the code / scripts you submitted. If they violate our community guidelines or if we detect misuse of features, we reserve the right to deny approval or suspend your apps without prior notice.

Supported theme

Similar to pages, developers have the option to choose which themes they want to support. We strongly encourage developers to support a broad range of themes to maximize compatibility and reach.


Themes selected here will apply to ALL of your storefront app extension.

Notably, 'Kingsman,' 'Ultra Chic,' and 'Varm' are currently the most popular themes among our merchants.

Below is a list of the themes we support, ranked by their popularity at this moment. Please note that themes not mentioned here are not supported.

Supported Themes
ultra chic
Doris Bien

Rendering setting

Developers can modify this settings to control the rendering of this code. Changes become effective only after approval.

Storefront SDK

If your app's use case requires the Storefront SDK, activate it here. For more details on how to use the Storefront SDK, please refer to this section.