Webhook Faqs
Faqs & quick anwser on Webhook management, for details please refer to best practice
Q: How should we respond to webhook events?
A: When you receive webhook events, respond with a success (i.e.200) as quickly as possible.
Q: When and why a reconciliation job is needed?
A: Reconciliation jobs are crucial when your app use cases have to guarantee 100% data integrity and synchronization with SHOPLINE events. This best practice will help your app maintaining complete data accuracy, especially in cases of network issues or service downtime.
Q: How can I understand why a webhook might be missed?
A: Common reasons include network issues, server downtime, errors in webhook handling by the app, payload size limits, strict security or firewall settings, authorization changes, etc. It's important to understand these to manage and mitigate their impact effectively.
Q: How do I handle out-of-sequence webhook events?
A: For applications sensitive to event sequence, incorporate the timestamp from each webhook event into your application logic. This ensures actions are processed in the correct chronological order, based on event trigger times, not receiving times.
Q: What is the concept of webhook idempotence?
A: SHOPLINE's "at least once" delivery feature means an endpoint may receive the same webhook event more than once. Implement deduplication processes in your app to manage duplicate events by comparing 'trace_id' of incoming events with those previously received.
Updated about 1 year ago